Installations of software tend to take months, maintenance costs more than the original product price, and unexpected delays and down time result in a massive drop in productivity. 有时候软件的安装要花上数月的时间,有时候维护成本甚至超过了原始产品的价格。有时意想不到的延误和宕机会导致生产率出现明显下降。
I right down time. 我正好赶上上班时间。
Using the rolling upgrade feature allows you to upgrade the cluster with zero or minimal down time. 使用滚动升级特性允许您使用最少的、甚至零停机时间升级集群。
This feature eliminates down time during the upgrade process. 这个特性消除了升级过程中的停机时间。
Overhead such as system down time, meetings, and answering e-mail 开销,如系统当机时间、会议和回复电子邮件
User connections have a10-second down time. 用户连接有一个10秒钟停用时间。
From the perspective of the client, there is no down time, as the transition is automatic. 从用户角度,感觉不到停机,因为转换是自动完成的。
Collecting data in production environments can result in down time for the application, which can impact revenue, stability, and client perception. 在生产环境中收集数据会导致应用程序停止运行,从而会影响收入、稳定性和客户感受。
If their jobs are easier, if productivity is higher, if down time is reduced, then you get positive reinforcement about the design's value. 如果他们的工作更容易,如果工作效率更高,如果停机时间缩短,则您就获得了有关该设计价值的有力保证。
This helps in ensuring that QA cycles are not adversely affected by down time of certain services. 这有助于确保QA周期不受特定服务故障的负面影响。
Adding CM to the group ensures that no user connections experience down time during the cluster upgrade. 将CM添加到组能确保没有任何用户会在集群升级期间遭遇停机。
IBM System p continue to introduce innovative technologies to handle such scenarios and reduce down time. IBMSystemp不断通过引入创新技术处理这些场景和减少停机时间。
The famous mommy-daughter duo soaked up the sun and enjoyed some down time by the pool! 这对明星母女二人组好好的在游泳池边享受了把美妙阳光。
Your down time can be scheduled for less important tasks like checking e-mail or returning phone calls. 效率较低的时间可以安排像检查邮件或回电话这样不那么重要的任务。
Shes enjoying some down time after recently wrapping her new film, and it looks like Anne Hathaways wardrobe is reflecting her relaxed mood. 享受了一段休息时间后,她最近又投入了她的新电影。安妮海瑟薇的一身行头看起来便是反映了她的轻松心情。
One activity we all need is sufficient down time, when the brain is refreshed through being non-goal focused. 我们都需要的一种活动是,足够的休息。这时候,大脑将通过放空,重新恢复精神。
What will he read during his down time? 他在休假期间会读些什么?
For real down time, people need vacations where they fully switch off. 为了获得真正的休息时间,人们需要假期,这时候他们可以完全停下来。
We all need some down time. 我们都需要时间放松放松。
Down time is also a critical component for complex problem solving. 对于解决复杂的问题,休息时间同样是一个关键要素。
It was originally used to count down time during matches, an innovation of Herbert Chapman. 原先是用来在比赛时倒计时,这是查普曼的一项创新。
When you feel the urge to have down time, trust that as part of your path. 当你感到低谷到来时,请相信那是你人生的必经之路。
Productions servers normally need to run with least down time. 制作服务器通常需要运行最少的停机时间。
But a few simple changes at home could turn this down time into a time of quiet, reflection, and comfort. 可是一些家中简单的改变就能将这次心情消沉的时期变为一个安静、反思和舒适的时期。
Shorter pump down time increases productivity. 减少抽气时间,效率更高。
Right now, I am in my down time, so it's time to rest my body and relax. 现在是我的休息时间,这段时间我主要是放松我的身体。
We'll learn how to set up Mel scripts to cut down time on repetitive tasks. 我们将学习如何设置MEL脚本,以减少重复的任务的时间。
Shared to Fair: Enter a threshold and enter a hold down time ( optional). 到公平:输入临界值并输入抑制时间(可选)。
Involve in first level maintenance, assure stable qualified product, improve productivity and minimize production line down time. 提高生产效率,稳定产品质量和参与初级维护,降低生产线停产时间。
Sergio: If Einstein were around, we could find a way to slow down time. 塞吉奥:如果爱因斯坦还在的话,我们就可以找到减慢时间的方法了。